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Staying in my mindset theme of 2024 - Grateful and Abundance


Thinking new year new me vibes would last and its now February 6! My words which depict my mindset and my theme for 2024 are Abundance and being Grateful. I figure you cannot have Abundance without feeling grateful!

The opportunities i have found is nurturing my old and new clients.

"How can I attract more clients if i am not proving to the universe that I am truly grateful for the ones I already have"

In January I signed up 2 x coaching clients and also signed up 2 old coaching clients to a new workshop offering discounts.

Action steps:

  1. Set the intention to coach, deliver a workshop, host a networking event

  2. Email your past clients an invite to join you

  3. Offer them a valued client discount for being a loyal client


Gratitude - Be intentional, grateful and open hearted and as sincere as possible

Service - Offer a service or product that will have some transformative benefits or make your client feel different after working with you

Offer - Gift them the offer for being a loyal client, offer them a discount

Action - Take committed action! We often wonder why we dont see results its because we are not actually moving things forward in the direction we want. Too often people sit back expecting clients to walk in the door.


I have 5 clients buy from me in January - different products but they were coaching and attending a workshop.

Set mini goals and milestones.

Be happy on the journey and in the doing and not always on the outcome or the destination. Yes its good to have a goal but we have so many wins along that way that make us feel abundance and grateful!

I am curious how are you going now that its February? Are you still feeling energised and excited about what this year will bring?

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